Madison Dental Spa
P: 203.245.5101
F: 203.245.5121
You probably know how important it is to brush your teeth every morning and night, but did you know that many people don’t brush as effectively as they could? In fact, some people consistently miss parts of their mouth altogether. This lets plaque and bacteria work in their mouth overnight. Fortunately, by establishing a few solid oral hygiene habits you can enjoy a healthy smile while you sleep.
One of the most important parts of brushing your teeth is having the right toothbrush. Specifically, you want a toothbrush with a head that isn’t too big for your mouth. In fact, you should be able to navigate your toothbrush easily while brushing. Similarly, you should also have bristles that aren’t too hard. If you do, you could accidentally damage your teeth.
You should also brush for at least two minutes at a time, but not for more than two minutes. If you do, you could damage your teeth. Also, please remember to brush up and down in circular motions, not side to side. Brushing side to side can scrape your gums and cause problems.
You should also remember to brush before you go to bed and after you wake up. While it takes several hours for tartar to form, it’s still a good idea to brush in the morning even though you haven’t eaten for several hours.
If you follow these steps—and remember to use mouthwash and floss—you can rest assured knowing your smile is well cared for.
Would you like to learn more about what you can do to keep your smile healthy and strong? Are you interested in learning more about any of the tips we mentioned? Are you just interested in scheduling an appointment with our team? If so, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions you could have.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 203.245.5101 or complete the form.
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We will work with your schedule to set an appointment.
Madison Dental Spa
P: 203.245.5101
F: 203.245.5121
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