Madison Dental Spa
P: 203.245.5101
F: 203.245.5121
In situations where you have extremely damaged or broken teeth, a superstar treatment to consider is dental crowns. Dental crowns are cosmetic dentistry restorations that are designed to dramatically enhance the look of your smile and protect teeth that are extremely worn down. Even if you have teeth that have shattered into bits or are extensively decayed, a dental crown can often help.
In situations where you have the need for a dental filling, but not enough tooth remains, the filling and the tooth can be held together through the use of a dental crown. Dental crowns can even be used on previous restoration treatments such as root canals, implants and dental bridges. With a dental crown in place, a tooth can be protected for decades to come.
Dental crowns are often used as the last line of defense for extremely damaged teeth that otherwise would need to be extracted. A dental crown can be customized to provide a tooth any look that you require and can be adjusted to ensure the crown will fit comfortably in your mouth. They are tooth-colored in appearance, as they will blend in seamlessly with your other teeth.
If you require aid with dental crowns, you are welcome to book an appointment with Madison Dental Spa by calling 203.245.5101. Dr. Moumen Almouzayn and our entire team at our dental office in Madison, Connecticut, look forward to enhancing your smile with dental crowns.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 203.245.5101 or complete the form.
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We will work with your schedule to set an appointment.
Madison Dental Spa
P: 203.245.5101
F: 203.245.5121
Accepted Payments