Is Dental Anxiety Keeping You Away From the Dentist?

surfct • February 17, 2016

Does the thought of going to the dentist fill you with total dread? Most people don’t enjoy going to the dentist, but some actually put off visits because of anxiety related to dental visits or procedures. Up to 15% of Americans, in fact, according to the Cleveland Clinic. If you suffer from a dental phobia, we want to be a helpful resource.

One of the best things you can do is to simply tell us you are experiencing anxiety. Once we know what is troubling to you, we can accommodate you better in treatment. Many people feel a lack of control once they are in the dentist’s chair. If that is your case, we can have an active conversation throughout your procedure or cleaning to explain each step. Understanding a given process can help you be mentally prepared. If you need to pause in the procedure, just say so. You are a patient, not a subject.

Some people have deep trauma stemming from painful memories at the dentist. Some have not been in many years. Know that dental equipment and technology has advanced incredibly, and procedures that used to be quite invasive are now much less so. Even so, some people require nitrous oxide even for a standard cleaning, and that is okay. As the patient, your comfort is our priority.

At Madison Dental Spa we want to help you have the best experience possible. We will work with you to find the best path to dental health, as well as to relieve any anxiety you have. Please call us to schedule a consultation.

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